Quote Originally Posted by samara's on tv

Speaking of weird thoughts see I also have one where I think about killing my sister's cat. LoL Okay don't get me WRONG I love that cat more then anything, it's just that SHE said that she would KILL me if I killed her cat so I'm just wondering like what she would do to me if I hurt her cat. Like I said I would NEVER EVER Hurt an animal...EVER...but like I think about what her reaction would be an everything. Please don't hate me *Ducks as people throw things at her*

That's the weird thing about OCD. It's often said that someone with OCD is far less likely to actually do any of the things we obsess about doing than someone without OCD or similar obsessions. I think it was on ER, there was a guy who was obsessed that he was going to molest a young boy - he had ocd and this same reassurace was given to him. It doesn't make it much easier for us to know this, but every little helps, right?

Anyhow, I have very similar obsessions like the one you described about your cat. I can't go into details, but just know you are NOT alone.
