Ok, this isn't to start a political debate, but rather to see where people fit on the political compass. This was posted in another MB I visit, and I thought it was pretty interesting. I figured I would post it here, and then graph the results, just for the hell of it. And wouldn't it be cool to see who on the board you are closest to politically? It may surprise you!

I found some of the questions to be some-what vague and misleading, but still found it decently interesting.

So, here is the link:


and here are my results:

Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.69

So, once again- no fighting over who is what and why. This is not athread to discuss anything political, just to really see where youfall on the spectrum. Do the test and post your results if you feel comfortable enough to do so. You can also check out who you fall closest to- my nearest neighbour appears to be the dalai lama, so that is pretty dang cool IMO!
