GOSH!!!!! I have truly had enough!!


Ok, a couple of weeks ago, I had the incident that I wrote about (a kid V'd right in front of my daughter and I in a tire shop), THEN since then, I was at Best Buy and saw a guy bent over with his buddies all making fun of him, then he wiped his mouth w/a napkin (I think he V'd), then yesterday we went to Verizon to get new cell phones (the RAZR, which I do recommend:-)), and on the way back to the car, we saw IT on a curb, then today I worked in a law office, which I do once a week (and do the rest at home), and a client called in, saying he had to cancel his appointment because he has a SV*, so I am dreading the day he comes in, and a very short time after that call, one of the attorneys in the office goes into the bathroom and loudly V's, she was in there for about 1/2-hour!!!!!!! UGH!!!!! She came out of the bathroom, called her hubby to tell him she caught something, and then went to use the copier and stuff!!!!!! I had to walk through her "air", and walked by the bathroom too, and saw that she left the door open, letting all her airborne germs flow about the office!!!! I had to leave early today anyways, because my daughter had her 8th grade graduation tonight, but told the lawyer I'm contracting for that I had to leave even earlier (I HAD to get outta there!!!), and she told me that I couldn't leave unless I was on my "deathbed"!!!! Ok, for one thing, I was pi**ed because any issues with my kids ALWAYS comes first, before anyone or any job, then I was so scared because the sick atty stayed there, breathing the same air as me!! I'm supposed to go in tomorrow too, because the other part-time Paralegal is on vacation, but needless to say, I am NOT going in. No way. Do you guys think I could get S* just by breathing her air?? I did Itake an Airborne tonight. Gosh, I haven't heard of any SV's here in Arizona all winter, but now all this is happening!.. Today's incident actually had me in tears!!