Today was my sons 3rd birthday. I had organised a little party for just 7 children. I was very anxious about it and almost had to cancel as I have had a virus(not stomach related) for 2 weeks which has made me feel really dizzy and weak. Yesterday I woke up covered in a rash which the doctor said was all part of the virus. Today I woke up feeling a lot better so I decided to go ahead with my sons party.

The party went very well. I managed all the organisation by myself and everything went to plan (unusual for me). Apart from my son getting his arm stuck in the chair at teatime everything went well. The only thing which was worrying me a bit was my 2 year old niece. She did not eat her tea and had a bit of a cough. My sister in law said she had been under the weather for a couple of days. They ended up leaving early as my niece got quite distressed.

I was just tidying up everywhere and thinking that I had actually done an o.k. job by myself with my sons party when I got a call to say my niece had v*d as soon as she got home. My SIL thinks it was just from a phlegmmy cough, but now I am panicking. She drank out of my daughter's cup at teatime. I really hope it was just the cough that made her v*. I only have 7 weeks until my husband comes home and I would really like my children to stay well. They have had enough already this year. I keep telling myself it was just the cough that made my niece v*, but I can't convince myself. I know I am going to lay awake all night worrying now even though I am so tired. Why did my SIL have to bring my niece when she knew she was not well? It is not the first time this has happened either. I just hope my children stay well.