I work part time in a restaurant (I'm a student at the moment) and always dread that someone will be sick while I am working...anyway, just thought I would share my story of what happened last week.

Basically, a kid at one of my tables threw up EVERYWHERE, it was horrible. BUT...I didn't freak out at all! I got them some disposable towels to clean it up and even a bag to put the kids top in (he'd been sick all down it - YEUCH!!) I even talked to them a little bit to try to make them feel better (the parents were very embarrassed I think). I asked if they thought he was sick from eating too much and got the dreaded answer 'Oh no, we were wondering why he wasn't eating much!' So he must have been ill....still I was ok. I didn't even worry too much about catching anything and as it was over a week ago now I think I should be safe!

Just thought I would share that with you all, I never thought I would be able to stay calm but I did!

Hope everyone is well.
