I have a problem with cars and a smooth suspension, it makes me more prone to get s*ck. Anyways, I rode in my grandfathers car, while my mother was driving, because her car was not working at the time. I sucked it up and rode to school.

It was okay, but then I noticed my stomach felt like it was doing little cartwheels and I looked over to my mom and said, "we should pull over". It got worse. Nothing painful, actually kind of weird. And so I just dry heaved about4 times, not actual vomit. I was so hungry around lunch time, I ate a huge italian sub [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img].

Laughing in between. I know call me weird lol, but I i just told myself outloud, "face your fear" and I just let my body do what it had to do. And it wasn't so bad. In fact, it felt like an epiphany had occured. I realized I can get through it, when its over, its over. Yes its uncomfortable, gross but it happens.

I didn't fight, because I realize, if I did, it made it worse.

So there goes my little motion sickness exprience.

I now know if I ever ride in a car or something like that, I'll get some dramine.

Good luck everyone and keep well
