This is a report I got from someone who visited my site:

I just wanted to comment that my 11 yr. old daughter was recently
completely cured of emet. by EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. I did a
lot of research about emet. (your web site is great) and thought that
EFT sounded very promising. After just one session with the EFT
practitioner and a few home sessions administered by me, (about a
week total time or a little less) she was completely cured. I would
say that emet. was affecting her daily up until then. She had
anxiety/nausea/ sleeplessness, fear of catching germs and didn't like
going out for very long.

She is completely cured, and actually even better than before. She is
not affected by others vomiting or fear vomiting herself. She has no
nausea or anxiety and now sleeps well through the night.
She doesn't worry about catching germs from other people/kids now. It
is truly amazing stuff, but it makes so much sense and sure beats the
one year of therapy and drugs the therapist recommended.
I am so impressed with EFT and its potential to help all sorts of
maladies that I am planning on taking a workshop so that I can help
friends and family.

I would love to write about it as a possible cure for people. I think
it's especially helpful for "new" emets because there is less "baggage
and associations", but the beauty of EFT is that it works also for
people who have had a problem for a very long time. They use it for
veterans with Post Truamatic Stress and victims of violent crimes also.