since wednesday morning i've felt like i'm about to get REALLY sick
(like with the flu). no full on sore throat, but it is a little irritated/
drippy. : p i've had a slight fever on and off. been really chilly/tired/
feeling generally crappy. i've also been dealing with a urinary tract
infection. (it went away, then came back.) i was thinking that maybe
the flu-like symptoms were from the uti, but then tonight my dad
mentioned his throat was feeling irritated like mine.

anyways, if it is the flu, this will be like the 6th time since the new
year that i've been sick. i got the flu really bad at the start of
january, and i guess i never fully recovered, as i was sick on and off
'til the end of march.

why is this? i seem to get sick with colds/the flu SO OFTEN. but never
with the s*f* (knocks on wood.) i am so careful about germs. do you
think i'm being TOO careful and failing to build up an immunity?

i'm wondering if any of you are sick a lot (more than average) with
non v*ing illnesses?