Today my sister vomited at her work. She was being goofy with me like we normally do. I go to her work with her sometimes (she works in a cafe) and I usually stay with her for her and do my homework and we hang out. I was just sitting in my chair waiting doing my homework when she started complaining of nausea and stomach cramps, then she promptly ran to the bathroom and v*. She came out, sipped some ginger ale and recovered. About 30 mins later she felt fine and she says she was just stressed out (her boyfriend of 1 year recently split up .. she has alot of stress in her life) and ate a really gross salad that set her off. She's been perfectly fine ever since and we were laughing and joking and making food and having a good time. This doesn't sound like a stomach virus to anyone does it? She says she feels no nausea whatsoever anymore at all.