For the last few days, I've been feeling a bit odd. I haven't been as hungry as usual, but I just put it down to eating so much junk in the holidays.

Unfortunately, over the course of this morning at school, the nausea came and gradually got worse. My friend was eating a chocolate bar at break, and the very smell made me feel awful. At lunch, I ate a fairly normal sized meal, but I felt kinda on the verge of gagging the whole time. You know when you feel a bit sick already, and eating just seems to aggravate it? Yep, had that.

Anyway, I'm trying to carry on as normal- I've got so much coursework to do; three orals to prepare for (English, German and French); report reading tomorrow with my form tutor where we find out our grades; and on Friday I'm going on my Duke of Edinburgh award expedition (3 days of walking and camping on the Sussex downs).

I just feel like today could be the day? The feeling is in my chest and my throat, but my stomach feels slightly unsettled. Of course, I really don't want to be sick, but I have a feeling that it's going to happen anyway, and I just really want it out of the way.. aughh.. I hate this so much!