Okay, I have a long history of disagreements with my mother in law, which I won't bore you all with. She is one of those people who is very opinionated, and always has to make little comments. An example: When my youngest was a newborn, MIL told me she was burping and farting so much because I was drinking too much soda pop. Just to make sure this was not the case, I asked my stepmom, who is a lactation consultant, and she told me there is no way drinking pop can affect your breastmilk in that way. That the baby burping and farting had nothing whatsoever to do with my milk, and what I was consuming, that her digestive system was just new, and she was fine.
Anyway, my husband told me about a conversation he had with his mother, where they were talking about family stuff, and she started telling him that she didn't want to see him get f***ed over, and did he know that our state is a community property state. When he told me this, I got PISSED! FIrst off, hubby and I are not talking divorce, and second, if we did divorce, he would come out of this marriage with more than he came in with. I am so upset about this. I have not talked to her about it yet, but I think I will have to, because it has been over a week, and I am still very out of sorts about it.
Why is she doing this? She loves to stir things up, and maybe that is what she is doing now. I don't know. It hurts to think that she has that low of an opinion of me. Like I would try to screw my husband over or something. Can anyone offer any advice?