Today my stomach is just off. I didn't have anything at home to bring to work for breakfast, so I didn't eat like usual. I finally decided to go get something out of the vending machine, aso I bought a Twix candy bar (not a good breakfast, I know). I have drank almost a whole bottle of Propel water this morning. I don't know if this is just from having a bunch of water in my system and no food or what, but my intestines are gurgling and churning this morning. I tried going to the bathroom to see if it would help, but it didn't. I'm afraid I am coming down with something. On Wednesday, a friend of mine at work apparently wasn't feeling well. I didn't find out until yesterday, and on Wednesday we went to lunch together and everything. She said she felt really sick all morning, but felt better after she ate lunch. That alone doesn't scare me too much, but her husband was also sick on Wednesday, but worse. He wasn't able to eat anything at all Wednesday and felt like he was going to v* all day. He was fine on Thursday though. They tried to figure out what they had both eaten, but the only thing they came up with was ice cream and the kids had it too and were fine.

So, I am afraid maybe it was a bug that she has now passed on to me. We took my car on Wednesday to lunch and although I used my hand sanitizer like always before eating, I probably wasn't too careful. I actually did well not worrying about it yesterday when she told me, but now that I am feeling bad I am starting to worry. I hope this isn't the start of something.

Ugh! It won't stop! It sounds and feels awful - like liquid is just sloshing around in there. What is wrong with me?!