All right, so over the last couple of months I've been dealing with some
basic nausea that seems to come and go. A few weeks ago, I had a UTI
(fun!) and I became so persistently queasy that I couldn't eat for about
two weeks. I was too queasy and convinced I would v* if I ate anything at
all. I could barely force down water. I lost a LOT of weight, which freaked
me out and sent me to the doctor.

A battery of tests, pokes and proddings later and they found nothing
wrong with me. The only thing my doctor suggested was that I take some
Zantac for possible acid-reflux. So I did that, and it helped. My appetite
slowly began to return and before long I was able to eat fun things like
spinach pizza and chicken fingers, etc.

This past week, while on penicillin VK for a bad tooth, I flew across the
country and promptly caught a nasty cold (three days of fever, runny
nose, sore throat, cough and general feeling of bleah). I had a perfectly
decent appetite before that, with only a bit of the old queasy feeling, but
the cold completely obliterated it. Over the last few days all I've been able
to eat has been chicken soup, crackers and toast.

The PROBLEM is that I'm starving, I WANT to eat, the thought of food
doesn't make me feel ill or anything - it's WHEN I eat, and AFTER I eat,
that the trouble starts. I feel incredibly nauseated, even as my stomach
growls for more food. I'm hungry right now, but I know that if I tried to
eat anything more complicated than a Ritz cracker, I'd feel awful.

Could this be anxiety/the cold? I've been moving, and I just got into
college and there's a lot going on. But would anxiety last this long? And I
don't FEEL anxious. I've never felt like this before the beginning of this
year. I don't get it.

Any ideas, thoughts? Should I go back to the doctor again?

Thanks. <3

- Anna