What do you do when you have no food and no money to buy food and your parents won't give you a lousy 10 bucks to get something, or let you come over to their house to eat dinner?

I'm really starting to hate my father...really...I haven't eaten anything since wednesday because I have no money and my parents won't help me out. They say I shouldn't be living pay check to pay check but that's how I HAVE to live, they don't understand it! I get my paycheck in the mail and this week it DIDN'T come! My dad is all like, "I know you won't starve...I'll see you tomorrow" my phone isn't working and I'm out of my mind with hunger.

He acts like he's so great because he paid the deposit on my new apartment and bought me tons of furniture for my new place. Yeah that's really nice, but I didn't ASK him to go out and buy anything for me, and I didn't ASK for him to put the deposite down, I could have done that!

What the hell am I supposed to do? My dad thinks he's so great! He makes a 6 figure salary and unlike me DOESN'T live pay check to pay check so he doesn't understand what it's like. Does anyone have any idea how I can get some food or money or anything? I'm really at my wits end right now...I'm actually crying and if you know me then you know that I don't cry unless I'm really angry...and I'm PISSED!! What am I going to do?
