Hi all, well I just need to vent a little and ask you guys a question....here goes. My six year old son has a history of v* when he eats too many sweets because he just doesn't know when to say when. Only about five or six times in his life, but I get anxious when he eats dessert every time. So the other night I was busy cleaning out our car and other chores, and he asked me if he could have a chocolate bunny. They are huge, and not hollow, pure solid chocolatey goodness. So I said yes because I just wanted him to let me get stuff done, and didn't moniter how much he was eating. He was just fine though I thought, and at bedtime didn't complain about anything. Ok, may get graphic here....it was about three in the morning and he came into our bathroom and my hubby gets up to see what he's doing, and I hear it. We all know the sound. Thinking about it right now makes my heart pound like crazy and I want to just take sedatives and get numb. I lay there in complete and utter shock for ten seconds or so, then made myself get up, and hubby had put a trash can in front of him and he did it for probably a minute. He was making the most awful sounds, and looking at me the whole time. I felt so bad for him I wanted to cry. So we get cleaned up, and he says he wants to go to bed. Hubby goes to bed, but I am so hopped up on adrenaline and fear that bed is laughable to me. I absolutely cannot go to sleep if someone is sick. I hate being woken up by that horrible sound, I'd rather see it coming I guess. I ended up staying up with him until five thirty in the morning and he was just fine. Hungry even. But as I was sitting with him, I really did not think I could do it. So my question is, how do you all cope with a sick kid? Like literally, what do you do? I usually pop a couple ativans and turn on the tv for us and sit and wait and shake and sweat. I really feel like I am being tortured. And I must ask "are you gonna puke?" or "how are you feeling now?" a hundred times. My son actually said to me that night after I asked him so many times, "can you please just drop it?" Ah, if only it were that simple. So I would appreciate any input you could give me on ways to cope, and how to get through the illness without taking years off my life. I thought about getting hubby up to sit with him, but I just don't want my baby to think I'm not there for him. But, that may be the case if my kids get sick again, because I don't know if I can handle it, which is strange, because they've been sick before and I did it, I just felt really traumatized for so long afterwards. Ok, thank you for reading this long post, and I'm so glad I have you to turn to! Janna