I feel so blah this afternoon after my doctor's appointment. I am 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I was really hoping that all of the cramps and pains I've been having have helped me progress at least somewhat. Nope! Not at all! I have been 50% effaced and not at all dialated for three appointments now. I know I still have almost 3 weeks to go, but I feel like I am never going to have this baby. She is just way to comfortable in there. My doctor is leaving for vacation next Friday, so she set me up for an induction on the 24th of July - that's a week past my due date (and the day she gets back). I know it's not unusual to go a week or even two late with a first pregnancy, but I just don't think I can take 4 more weeks of it. My hips are so stiff and sore and I feel so n* every time I eat because my stomach is so smashed in there. Her kicks are really starting to hurt and I keep getting these weird shooting pains that my doctor tells me are my cervix changing (apparantly not!)

So, unless by somemiracle I go into labor on my own before the 24th, I will be having her on the 24th then we close on our new house on the 28th. I guess I won't be able to help much with the moving!

Sorry about the vent. I just feel like this pregnancy is never goingto end! Only three weeks left was starting to sound so close, but now I'm back up to 4!