I honestly think I've lost the ability to keep my mouth shut when people piss me off. Like today at the movies, this little f***er threw two coins at the back of my neck, he flicked them, have you ever seen anyone do that? It hurts like a BITCH! So I got up out of my chair and chased after him yelling what the f***? SO he got away from me and I was pissed but I went back to the theater and sat down. Then a bunch of other f***ers came into the theater, they were obviously movie hopping, and started talking really loud and giving away the ending and s***. So I went to the front, after the movie, and I was like, "I want to speak to a manager" so I started to talk to the manager and I guess the people who were in the theater with me heard me and they come up to me and they were like, "You could have said something to us while we were in the theater" and I was like, "Oh you wanted me to yell SHUT THE F*** UP?" and so she gets all mad at me and says she's going to be the s*** out of me, so I lodged my complaint and as I was leaving I ran into the huge lady again and she had to be held back by her friends and I was all like, "I wish you would beat my ass in front of all these people cause then I can sue you" and she's all like, "Go back to your trailer park" and I was all like, "I can garentee you that I live in a nicer neighborhood then what? The Projects?" So she got all pissed off and everyone had to hold her back again and then I just walked away. Need I mention that all the people messing with me were black? Now I'm not racist, and I wouldn't be, IF THIS WAS THE ONLY OCCURANCE! Do you know HOW MANY TIMES Black people F*** with me because I'm a skinny white girl? WHAT THE HELL? What am I supposed to do? Anyone out there have an opinion?
