Sorry to rehash this topic, but i haven't been back to the site for a while so i wanted to respond to some of your posts.

I totally agree about hunting for sport, I think it is sick. I don't condemn anyone for doing it, but I can't help but think a little less of people that do. In my opinion it seems like people who kill animals for fun have no respect for the sanctity of life. Just because animals aren't human doesn't mean their lives are any less valuable - every living thing has a place on this planet and a right to be here, and I don't believe it is up to humans to decide what lives are valuable and what lives are disposable. Obviously I believe there are exceptions, but just going out and killing animals for fun is not acceptable in my oipinion.

I get so mad because my uncle and my grandpa like to hunt, and when i tell my mom I think it's gross and I wish they wouldn't do it, she tries to justify it by saying "well, they use all parts of the animal, they eat the meat, they use the fur, etc, so it's ok." In this day and age where we live this is simply not necesary. Go to the store and buy meat, you don't need to go out and kill for it. We aren't cavemen for chrissakes.

I have struggled with the fact that I feel like a hypocrite because I love animals dearly, ALL animals, yet I am not a vegetarian. HOWEVER, I don't feel like being a meat eaterand an animal loverare mutually exclusive. I think as long as you don't support animal cruelty practices (by purchasing meat that comes fromnon-organic farms, for example)you can still be a meat eater and an animal lover. I don't think there's anything wrong with using animals for meat as long as while they are alive they are treated with dignity and respect, and when their time comes they are killed in a humane way.