I haven’t been on for awhile now and some of you know why. I just want to let you know that I had a gastric endoscope done on Wednesday and I am pretty proud of myself. I slept fine the night before.
This procedure is when they put a tube down your throat and look at your stomach. I had this done years ago and it didn’t pan out at all. They freeze your throat and you gag on the tube you swallow it and then the sedative sets in and you wake up. I was upfront with the surgeon who was performing this on me and told him I don’t like the freezing of the throat at all so he told me he would have anesthesiologists on hand. Wednesday morning my mother picked me up and 9:30am, we got there at 10am. I asked Mom to dropped me off at the hospital I told her to go home and the nurse will call to pick me up. I wanted to do this on my own. I checked in and was sent to the other room, to get my gown on, as I was sitting there (my appt was for 11:15) a nurse came up to me and I gave her my clipboard and told her I am contemplating on bolting! I got the gown on walk over to the gurney and this Dr Yang introduced herself as my anesthesiologist. She froze my hand and put the IV in; IV’s don’t bother me at all. At 11 I was wheeled in and she put the oxygen on my nose, and started to hook up the heart and blood pressure monitor on me, the nurse came in and said we have to freeze her throat and Dr Yang said no, no freezing Rhonda doesn’t want it so she will be going to sleep for this. She gave me a shot through the IV which burned my hand a bit and said, this will make you feel like you have a few beers in you, I said really haven’t had beer in 8 years! And that was it I woke up in recovery asked to see Dr Yang I gave her a hug and said thanks, she said you are welcome. I had my apple juice and the nurse called my Mom and I was out of there by noon. I took all my fears and threw them out the window that morning. I slept throughout the day and I am fine. No nausea nothing.
The doctor said he took a biopsy of a piece of my gut and it came back neg. he is testing for other things but it looks like I will be finally on the right medication.
If you have to have this done and you are afraid just asked to be put out, you will be fine.
I will be on within the next couple of weeks to tell you all why I have this phobia for 31 years now I finally have my answer, how my therapist has helped me and how I am over this phobia with the how and whys.