so i'm beginning to freak out. i've had stomach problems for the past 3 days. for the most part it just felt like severe gas and a burning acid-like feeling but than last night it turned into nausea. obviously i freaked out and took an anti-emet and luckilly fell asleep hoping to wake up better this morning. well it turns out i can't eat anything, my stomach is bloated beyond imagination and to top things off, i just took a gas-x to try and see if that would help the gassy feeling and it gave me the sh*ts. now on top of feeling like hell, every so often i get these d* attacks and i'm totally flipping out. do you think this could be nerves or do you think i have some type of virus? and if it is a virus, WHEN IS IT GONNA GO AWAY! i'm going out of my mind. i'm terrified to eatbecause it makes me nauseas and i'm terrified to drink because even THAT makes me feel really sick. any advice would be great. thanks everyone.