She was born on July 11 at 10:08 am

6lbs, 5oz, 19 inches long - what a peanut!

It went really well. I started having contractions at about 6pm Sunday night. They weren't that bad and they were really spread apart. They continued through the night and all day Monday, but never got any closer together, just more painful. By 3:00 a.m. Monday night/Tuesday morning they were still 30 minutes apart but horribly painful. I called the doctor and he said not to go in until they were 5 minutes apart. I told him they were way too painful, I couldn't wait that long! He said I could go ahead and go in to get checked if I wanted, but they probably would send me home. I kind of got the impression it was like he thought I was a wimpy first time mom. I woke my husband up, threw on some clothes and we headed to the hospital. When I got there at 4:00 am the contractions were down to ever 4-5 minutes.

By 5 am I was at 4 cm, so they told me to walk for an hour. I only made it until 5:30 then I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get some drugs. By then I was already at 6cm. It took them unitl about 6:30 to get the IV's and epidural in, but as soon as they did I was in heaven! My contractions started slowing down, so they started some Pitocin to keep things moving. By the time the contractions got back to where they thought they might be doing some good, they did a quick check and were surprised to find that I was ready to go! That was about 9:30. They told me that since I was so small and a first time mom, it would probably take an hour or two of pushing. By 10:00 they were rushing to get the doctor in. He literally had one glove on and was holding the baby back while the nurses finished getting him ready. I didn't even have to push - she just came right out.

I'm still a little sore and haven't been resting as much as I should. It didn't help that I was up all night Sunday night and Monday night with contractions, but it was all worth it because she is so adorable! I am going to try and figure out how to post some pics after I get a little more rest!