I haven't been around the board much the past week or two because I was at a teaching at a summer camp. It was a real milestone for me with the emet. I slept in a dorm, shared a bathroom, ate in the cafeteria with hundreds of other people, and was virtually emet free the entire week. I was just so hungry!!

Well, when I got back I figured out that my period is late, which really didn't concern me that much because I had a tubal ligation in 2003. Well now my breasts are sore, so I went to the drug store and got the test.....AND IT CAMEOUT POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this. I have a 5 and 3 year old already, and I had a lot of complications with both, and severe nausea/dehydration with the second. I am so scared. I will probably have to quit working if we have three.

I'm also terrified of ectopic pregnancy which I hear is common with people who have had tubals.I have pain inmy abdomen on the right side. I'm calling the doctor first thing Monday morning, but for now I"m so shaky and keep crying, and I'm HUNGRY!

Please pray for me. Thands for being there you guys.
