ok so right now I feel really unwell, like im gona v*

It started with not being able to breathe properly about 20mins ago, I now feel dizzy and n*, I reallyu hate this because I cant seem to do anything to calm it down at the moment, ive walked around, ive tried to burp, ive tried to calm myself down!

Its really very hot here at the moment but thankfully I have a fan to cool me down a bit..

my ibs does feel as if it is off a bit tonight as well, but this n* feel just doesnt want to pass, ive tried to hold it off and forget, mostly distract myself but nothing is getting rid of it, so now, im a bit worked up, not hugely worked up just yet, but I can feel myself getting there..

Sorry for this post as it must seem like just a whine but I am really scared!