I just got off of the phone with a 'friend'. It seemed that she couldn't wait to tell me all about the sv that's going around her office at work. Her reasoning was so that I could help her figure out whether food was the culprit or a virus (clearly a virus- one woman sick last week... went to work to spread the love- 4 days later 1/2 the office is sick. My friend went to work sick to spread it around more, I guess) Common sense tells anyone that it's a bug. It really seemed to me that she almost enjoyed telling me about it.

Do you think that people might get kicks out of our weaknesses? Or, kind of use our phobias to feel better about themselves when they are having an off day?

This conversation that I had with her really pissed me off, but on the other hand I get pissed when people hide it from me to. What do I expect? Am I being irrational or was she being a little bitchy? I think it was her tone and her urgency for telling me that makes me feel like there was some kind of hidden agenda.

So now I get to be paranoid for the rest of the summer. f*** emet.