Ok, I am trying not to get too panicky about this. My 4 year old son has been taking lessons at our high school indoor pool. My hubby has been taking him. Well, hubby's shoulder is bothering him so I took Noah the last 2 nights. The first night we get there and the instructor tells us that there are no lessons, the pool is closed because someone v*** in the pool. They close it and clean it out. So we went home, of course my little guy is asking all kinds of q's about who did it and why, etc.&n bsp; So the next night I bring him and during our lesson, a little kid in his class v*** on the floor by the entrance/exit way.I was in the pool trying not to have a panic attack.....wondering how I would get out and how I would get my stuff. Finally they cleaned and disinfected it. But did the kid go home?NOOOO! He went off the diving board!!!!Anyway, I made it home somehow and am now TOTALLY SUPERSTITIOUS!!!! Why did it happen when I brought him, TWICE, and what is going to happen next? Please tell me this is silly. I know it is but with this fear, it is so hard to believe...............Thanks</font>