We are closing on our house tomorrow - yay! We close first thing in the morning, then we are moving our stuff so we will be in our new house tomorrow night. My sister just came home sick to her stomach. I was just getting out of the shower and she knocked on the door and asked for some Pepto. I could hear it in her voice that she is really sick. She has been in the downstairs bathroom ever since, but I'm afraid to find out what she is doing. Why couldn't this have happened a day later??? Now I am scared that me, my husband or my daughter is going to get sick. I am going to tell her to stay away from the bathroom we use and not to come near the baby.

Now for the second part of the problem: she is supposed to help us move tomorrow. What if she is feeling well enough to help? Could she be contaminating our stuff and our new house? I feel like asking her not to help so that she doesn't spread anything.

Ahh! We were so close to be out of here and in our own place. On top of all that, I won't have internet until Thusday the 3rd so if I am freaking out I can't even get on here and talk to anyone!