AAHHHHHH!!!! I could scream! One of my clients is in the hospital, and I had to go pick up some papers from her to file at the court. Well, I really didn't wanna go, but she may not be released before the allotted time she has to file. SO, I went to her hospital room, where she had a 'roommate'. I was talking to her and going over her paperwork, then i hear the VERY OLD lady say to the nurse, "I'm so sick". Well, my emet antennae were at full alert at this point. Then, about 2 minutes later, she started to v* her guts out!!!! UGH!!!! So the hurse came in and emptied her bowl, and flushed it down the toilet, with the door open!! UGH! Well, the lady doesn't stop v* the whole time I was there, so i told my client Connie that I had to leave because I had an appointment. Then as I was ready to leave, I heard the nurse tell the lady that they don't know why she keeps v*-ing, and the lady said the dreaded words, "well, it all started with the stomach flu......." GEEZ!! So, I am contaminated at this point, and had errands to run but now I'm home and headed for the shower, after taking some AIRBORNE.

My question's:

1) did i have to be right there next to her in order to catch this?

2) if it is norwalk, can i catch it by being by the bed next to hers, with the curtain dividing the two beds? the curtain wasn't fully shut, ant doesn't go up to theceiling, but does blockthe general area of her bed.

3) maybe it;s not even norwalk?

4) if it is norwalk, which is contagious, would they put her in a room with someone else with a compromised immune system (cancer)??

Pleashelp me! I am panicing,and now that horrible experience will be in my brain for weeks!! Thank you in advance whoever helps me on this.......