My period pains are SO painful... they make me feel so so so sick... Last time I had to stand in my garden in a towel with cups of water and tip them over my head to cool me down!!! Otherwise I would have been very close to being sick... They also make me go dizzy which causes a lot of n* and the hot water bottle or having a bathtricks can't be used at the moment because the weather is so hot, I would probably pass out!

I was just wondering if anybody knows any way of calming them down... I have spoken to my doctor but he just advised me to go on the general pill that you take everyday to stop periods altogether... But I'm not so keen as my friend who went on it felt really sick for the first few days. I take feminax but that doesn't kill all of the pain, it just get's rid of the big waves of it. My period is due in a few days and I'm getting nervous...

Any ideas???

Thanx, Love Amy xXxXxXx