For me, with my emet, sleep seems to be my biggest "issue." I manage pretty well during the day and only have minor problems during daylight hours. My biggest fear is that I will wake up v*ing or that one of my kids will and I'll wake up to that. Anybody else do pretty well during the day but totally fall apart at night? Afraid to fall asleep? What do you do to combat it? I sleep with the TV going all night, stay up until I can't keep my eyes open anymore, etc. I could never go on a group overnight trip where I'd have to share a hotel room with anyone other than my dh and kids. They're used to me leaving the TV and bathroom lights on.

Last week, we had a few storms that blew through our area and our power was out for 36 hours--two bedtimes. I was having major problems because I couldn't have anything on. One nightI fell asleep sitting up with my daughter's earphones and radio on. The next I fell asleep watching a dvd onmy laptop (I charged it up at my brother's who had power).I knew the power had come on because theYahoo IM window popped up on my computer and woke me up lol.

Oh, and when you do finally fall asleep, do you sometimes jump/twitch awake because you swear you've heard something when you really didn't ?

I'm jealous of people who can just forget the worries of the day, turn off the lights, plop their head on the pillowand go to sleep in a pitch-black silent bedroom.Edited by: mommyof3