I don't know if this is heat related or what. I've heard of people getting ill from the heat even when they are in airconditioning. She was fine yesterday and all day today. I made her lunch and she was eating away watching her cartoons and suddenly she comes up to me and tells me she is going to her room with a big sigh. She was as white as a sheet and she's very tanned at the moment. I asked her what was the matter and she said she felt like she was going to me sick. She ran upstairs laid down on her bed and asked for a towel. I gave her one and put on her ac and put on cartoons within 10 minutes she was asleep. Now on Tuesday when she was ill she also fell asleep and then got up and was sick just that one time and then was fine. I don't understand what this is. It doesn't seem at all like a virus. Maybe she ate to fast she was eating macroni and cheese. I have to go to work in a little over and hour. My husband will be home with her but I'm so worried she'll be sick when I'm not here and I won't be here to clean properly and on the other hand I'm glad I won't be here. God, I hate this!! I'm shaking. I threw my own lunch totally away once she told me she was ill. I remain calm around her and then leave room and am just a mess. I just wish I was a normal mom about this and not such a pathetic loser.