I am having a bad night with my 3 year old son.He has been very restless and woken up 3 times in the past 2 hours. He has just complained of his tummy hurting and keeps pointing in his mouth so now I am starting to get anxious.

He has been poorly since last Friday, but this morning he seemed pretty much back to his old self. He ate a massive breakfast and asked for more. We took him out for the morning for the first time in a week as he has just not been up to going far until today. We took a picnic lunch and he ate everything. I was pleased as he has hardly eaten a thing in the last week.

By 1pm my son looked tired and pale so we took him home. He ate all hid dinner tonight and I assumed he was back to his old self, but now he is very unsettled and I am worrying.

Hopefully it is just from eating well today after his tummy being so empty. I just hope he is not going to wake up unwell tomorrow. He has a slight fever again and I am worrying in case the penecillin he has been on hasn't completely worked. I have never seen my little boy as ill as he has been this week and I am scared in case he still isnt better.

Sorry for going on, but it is nightime and as usual all my thoughts are completely irrational. I have tried to wake my husband to tell him, but he just said "oh" and turned over and went to sleep. I don't think he even heared me. I think it is going to be a long night.