I have just arrived home from a short camping trip with my family. We have had a fantastic time and I have even managed not to worry too much about being around lots of people and using campsite showers and toilets.

The first day was a bit challenging as we went out for a meal at lunchtime and just as we were finishing my daughter complained of a tummy ache. I went into my usual panic mode and begged my husband to take us all home again, but of course he told me not to be silly and we drove to the campsite. By time we arrived my daughter was absolutely fine. I would normally have worried for the rest of the day but I actually managed to forget about it and enjoy time with my family. We have been on woodland walks, been swimming, played frisbee and football,and just enjoyed all our family time. My daughter cried when it was time to come home.

Yesterday we went on a boat trip to see the seals. It was a bit worrying as there were lots of people all very close to each other, but I survived and enjoyed it.

Today we had a final day out at a dinosaur adventure park which was absolutely fantastic. It has just been a great few days. I can not believe how worried I was before we left. I have come home feeling very relaxed with 2 very happy children. I feel quite pleased with myself for actually enjoying myself instead of worrying the whole time like I usually do. It is the first time I have ever took my children camping, but already I am planning the next time.