Why is it that each time I am doing well and everything seems to be good, something happens to send me back into panic mode? My family has had a fantastic few days on a camping trip, then today my daughter woke up with a sore throat feeling s*. As the day went on she got grdually worse and has v*d a couple of times. By teatime she was very lethargic and running a high temperature so I ended up taking her to the emergency doctor surgery. She has tonsilitis and is on penicillin now, but is lying in bed at this moment feeling very s*. I am just waiting for it to happen again. To make matters worse my husband is now complaining of a sore throat.

It has been a horrible day. My husband invited my MIL and FIl for dinner and my MIL just sat and continually insulted me. As usual I just sat and took her insults and even apologised, until my husband got annoyed and asked her not to upset me anymore. She eventually went home in a mood.

My mum has phoned this evening to tell me that my grandad who has been very ill for a long time is getting worse. He is no longer eating and is on his 3rd lot of antibiotics for a chest infection. I visited him a week ago and he was very bad, but now he his kidneys are failing as well. I know I should be brave and visit him tomorrow, but I am scared of how bad he will be. It is horrible seeing him lying there so unwell. He can no longer speak and just lies in bed lifeless.

Sorry for moaning so much, it is just one of those bad nights and I am worrying. I wish my children would not keepgetting ill. I have never had a year like it.