Hey everyone

I havent been around much lately, have been so busy with my uni work, so much so that emet became a tiny problem that I hardly ever thought about it.

Things have been going well, I passed everything at uni and am now a qualified teacher starting my first teaching job on the 1st september when the new academic year starts.

Today I was at work at my temporary job where i work as a shop assisitant. This morning the assistant manager came in not very well, she had been v* thursday and yesterday mornin and today had to keep running to the loo (i presume for d*). My boss sent her home at about 1pm as he didnt want to get whatever it was. But then he went home early cos he wasnt feeling so great.

I am so scared I am going to get it, i was ion quite close contact a couple of times and she used my keys, touched my phone etc, then i had to continue using the till etc and we only have one toilet. I already feel sick but im not sure if its nerves or im coming down with it.

aarrgghh i hate this so much