Hi Everyone

I just wanted to post right now cause I am feeling pretty bad emotionally.This is totally off topic and has nowt to do with emet. Basically someone I care about and work for has told me that she has to have surgery at the weekend cause it ishighly likely she has breast cancer. I have not seen her for a while cause she had other surgery 6 weeks ago totally unrelated to this new scare and has been recovering at home. I have just found it too much to handle and feel really guilty feeling this way cause she is the one suffering not me. I feel really sad inside and I am trying my hardest to hold back the tears but I don't know how long I can do that for anymore. I feel really bad and deeply sad inside. I feel like the news is sending me into a very deep depression and it is too much to handle. My partner does not understand and doesn't want to know and right now I hate him for that. He cannot understand why I am so upset. I cannot help the way I am and sometimes I just hate myself for being so over-sensitive and maybe just too caring and compassionate for my own good. I find it hard to comprehend how your emotions can change in the space of an hour or two. I was fine at work and having a good time with the girls and then I got the call totally out of the blue and my mood just went downhill and now I just feel so damn bad. I hope Sage is reading this cause I think I need some serious advice here. I need to find a way of coping with this tragic news before I completely crack. Please help. What is wrong with me. Why am I having this bad reaction.