I feel so worn out by it right now, im constantly washing my hands after touching anything, its like i use the bathroom, wash my hands and i will only touch the outside of the taps when i turn them off, if my hands touches the tap fully i think there germy, if i touch the soap after washing them, again i will feel unclean. the other night i washed my hands,then my finger brushed against the side of the bathroom tile, and i said to myself i don't need to wash my hands there not dirty its only a tile, so i went back to bed and i couldn't sleep, the only thing that was in my head was my hands feeling dirty, so in the end i gave in and washed them, do you think thats a bit silly and do i really need to wash them again after turning off the tap. Also when i come in from going out shopping or something i change all my clothes[img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img], its like if i touch a door handle anywhere and my hands touches my clothes i think there dirty[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]is that even possible, its not as bad as it used to be, a while back i couldn't stop counting everything thing i did, my steps, how many times i would dry my hands, everything i would constantly count, does anyone else feel worn out if they have it??

Ruth x