No, I didn't *v*, thank God! As some of you may recall I went to Mexico 2 weeks ago and stayed for 7 days. The night before we left to come back home I got severe diarrhea. I was very sick the day we left and continued to have nausea and diarrhea. I took the maximum amount of Immodium that I could for the diarrhea and I took Phenergan for the nausea. I was able to get my symptoms under control before we got on the plane to come home, however by the time I got home that evening I had a fever of 102. My diarrhea continued for 2 more days until I had to go to the ER for dehydration on Saturday night. I am doing better now, but still very weak and tired. They are certain it was a bacterial illness but aren't sure what kind of bacteria. I am on my second course of antibiotics. I am so thankful that I did not *v* but I came very close. The worst part was that most of the time I was feeling sick, I was stuck at the airport, so that made me even more anxious. As if flying wasn't nerve-wrecking enough for an emet!

I came back to work today for a 1/2 day, so I thought I would give a quick update. I'll update more on my trip later. I had a fantastic time despite the sickness.
