Firstly I want to say I don't have it really that bad, it just acts up sometimes. The thing is, I find myself being paranoid somewhat about bathrooms and where they are. Usually tho I am just fine, but its like always knawing at the back of my mind. A lot of times, I wonder if I have any IBS just due to this nagging thoughts, and it kind of is like self-fulfilling in a way. Like for example, I'll be thinking before I go to work "man what if I'm at register and have to go?", then like on cue my guts will start to hurt, but even if I am on register, usually I am just fine anyways, like 9 times out of 10 I am a-ok. I sometimes wonder if most if it I dont just psych myself into. I think if I could get rid of those nagging fears/thoughts maybe I wouldnt even have any IBS at all?

Also with erm bowel movement stuff sometimes I feel like Ive lost touch with what is normal and what is not. I wonder if I'm more normal than I think I am. I dont get real d* often at all, but my guts will cramp, and sometimes its like I gotta keep going (not d* or anything) just have to keep going several times sometimes. Like is this just normal human behavoir or what? Lol its like I dont even know.

Edited by: Galadriel