I went intowork Saturday nightand the girl that I work with (as in literally 2 feet away) told me she had to go home because she was v* all day! [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

So of course, I freaked out. I wiped down everything, washed my hands after touching anything and before eating, etc. She said she didn't think it was a virus, but she said she v* 5 times Saturday morning. [img]smileys/smilies_11.gif[/img]

After work, around 2am Sunday, she sent me a text message asking me how the night went and asking if I was swamped. I responded and asked how she felt. She said she took a nap because she was exhausted, got up, ate, and v* it all back up. Now this was a good 8-12 hours after she stopped v* the first round.

Does that sound like an sv to anyone????? I think maybe no because she v* so many hours after stopping v* the first time, but who knows? Edited by: marieb73