I don't get panicky or nauseous too much anymore, that's why I am posting about this...i want to know if it has happened to anyone else. I was outside watering my plants a few minutes ago, feeling just fine,when all of the sudden out of absolutely nowhere I had this huge wave of nausea and panic hit me. usually when I have a panic attack it builds gradually with some nervousness and nausea, but this was seriously like a ton of bricks. I literally had to sit down. I came inside and got my Xanax and gum (calming aids) and just sat down panicking for a few minutes, until it faded away. It only lasted about 5 minutes. I feel slightly sick now and I have some d* but I am not panicking.

What the heck was that? has that ever happened to anyone else? I'm not sure if it has ever hit me that hard and fast before.