Okay... well this really doesn't have much to do with emet directly, but I just wanted to know if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions? It is a rather sensitive subject, but I feel I have friends here, so please just help me out if you can!
My husband and I were both virgins before we got married this past June. Now that we are married, we of course want to explore our sexuality together, and become closer and closer every time. Here is my dilemma: sometimes my husband, right in the middle of the act, just kind of... stops being excited, if you know what I mean. I mean, right in the middle! I know this is rather common, but for one thing, my husband is only 22 years old, and for another thing, he just clams up after this happens. He doesn't know why it happens, and he doesn't want to talk about it at all. He just totally doesn't want to talk at all. It hurts me, because although he assures me it isn't, I feel like somehow it is because I am not sexy enough for him, or that he is thinking about something else other than me. I don't know, I already have a little lower self-esteem than others (although I have been working on this), but this makes it sooo much worse. And I always end up in tears, because I don't know what to do to make it better, and no matter what he says I feel as if it is somehow related to me. So if anyone has had similar experiences, or if you don't want to say that here, if you just want to offer advice or something... I would really appreciate it!
