
I had an awful night last night when i was watching the x-factor on tv and an advery for Nike came on and its clips of loads of athletes and their bad expereinces or tough ones etc and there is a clip (a really really graphic clip) or someone being sick in slow motion running (thank god i dont have a huge tv screen) but i ran upstiars after seeing it and had a major panic attack in the bathroom. So bad i gave myself a head ache!! Just wondering if anyone else is annoyed by Nike and this? It was only 7PM! There are no warnings and it's assumed that these things don't bother people or even consider those with emetophobia. I knwo that some people don't mid it on tv or when it's other people but it really bothered me.

Anyways, would be great to hear any comments about this.


P.S - I'm from UK so prolly not shown in US, tho let me know if it has been.