
I'm feeling so overwhelmed right now. I dont want to make this one big long sob story. I'm in tears, i just can't hold it in anymore. Fighting this emets thing is tuff, i'm trying to stay ontop of it and stay strong but i'm finding it really hard right now. I start back at uni next week and although i am looking forward to having a routine again i am very scared of all the what if's. I'm so anoyed that the emets has over shadowed who i am, i'm prolly at the lowest i could be right now. Feeling like i wanna just pack it all in. I'm seeing a counsellor at the moment, since May but i'm soon going to have to stop our sessions or at least draw them to a close because its on the NHS and theres a time limit to how long you can see him. Guess i'm just needing a bit of comforting from people who understand what it's like to feel so helpless. I know everyone experiences emets in a different way though.
Was good to have a cry and let some of it out, and to vent on here. So even if no one replies at leat i feel a bit better by moaning about it on here.
