This may sound a bit silly, but my husband snores so loudly every night. He starts as soon as he falls asleep and continues for anything upto 4 or 5 hours. If I am lucky enough to fall asleep first, I sometimes manage to sleep through it, but if not I lie awake for hours waiting for him to stop. I am sometimes tempted to wake him, but I don't like to disturb him.

I have tried a couple of times to tell him he snores, but he gets quite upset and denies it, so I have not mentioned it for a couple of years. I think I am going to have to tell him again though as he seems to be getting even louder just lately. I think maybe he should see the doctor, but I don't want to upset him. We don't get long together as he works away for months at a time, so maybe I should just put up with it, but sometimes(like tonight), I am so tired and just need to sleep. I feelguilty for complaining about his snoring, but I can actually hear it even now and I am downstairs. Should I tell him?