Quote Originally Posted by shiva

I don't quite understand. It seems that everything is so black and white for those who are for medication. It's almost you are saying the only options are be in hell or be medicated. And I see a whole area of grey in the middle. I almost feel like our society is being brain washed into believing that the bandaid cure is the only way to find balance, health and happiness in this life. And that is very untrue.
Unfortunately for me, "hell or medication" was the only option. The many, many things I tried to quelch the anxiety didn't work. Of COURSE there are other things one MUST do to find balance, happiness, etc. But there are indeed people who have problems with their serotonin transporter gene (the locus has been identified but it's complicated) who are simply deficient in serotonin up and re-uptake... for these people, depression is an unfortunate reality.

And, asher, I have also had at my disposal literature on prescription medication and I think we must have read two different books because it is definitely proven that anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety medication is linked to problems with the endocrine system and the body's organs. Would you like to tell me what lithium and xanax do to a person's liver?
They metabolize in the primary lobular Spaces of Disse and... okay you probably don't want to hear the details. And, the point of anti-anxiety meds is pretty much to mess with your endocrine and nervous system...
Did you know that there are cures for cancer but there is too much of a pissing contest over the patent and money, so instead people just keep being injected with poison to cure their cancer.
Okay. With that statement, I surrender. Do you really believe that? I would love to know where this cure is!

My main point is that people can enjoy the 'pleasures of the world' without this stuff, but you never hear doctors telling their patients to eat healthy, excercise, work on relaxation, work through their depression, seek therapy or go off other medications which could be adding to their problems in the first place. Why? $$$$$$$$$$$$$
What????? I have never, ever met a physician who DOESNT tell their patients these things, in order to treat their anxiety/depression. Do you live in the US? I'm not being sarcastic- I seriously am surprised you've never come across a dr. that does these things (though unfortunately I'm sure they exist.

Shiva, I respect your views and opinions, and I commend you for wishing to deal with issues anti-med. I'm not trying to argue, or singlehandedly turn your point of view. But this is a topic about which I am very, very well-versed and really believe that these meds, as well as most meds in general are a blessing to society. To me, the over-use of antibiotics is a much bigger threat to society, and the evolution of mankind.