Dear Everyone,

Yes, I know, we've been over it a million times, but as my thoughts turn to Winter, I begin to worry about noroviruses.

Yes, I have read the Alvin stuff, which is fantastic and helps so much to dispell the myths and fears. Can I just check with everyone that these are the facts -

* You can't inhale it, you would have to ingest (swallow) the v* or d* or by eatingfood someone with bad hygeine has prepared.

* You can prevent infection by washing your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating / touching your eyes or nose.

* If someone in your house has an sv, it does not automatically mean you will catch it - you just have to practise good hygeine, make sure they have their own towel, use bleach, etc.

. . . ok . . . so that all makes sense. It's true. Hope so. Juuust panicking . . . breathe slowly . . .

But what about the contagious two day / week thing?

And whats the name of the anti-emetic you can buy over the counter in the UK? Immodium? No, wait, that's for d* isn't it?

So sorry for panicking, hope I can get some reassurance and help others who are probably also thinking / worrying ahead!

Love from Laura


PS - I have a pain in the lower right side of my back, sometimes at both sides. It's not to do with v*, but I'm scared it could be a kidney problem - does anybody know?! Got Drs appointment, but nottil two weeks time