So i thought id write a little yey me post to show people that we can get through times and gain control of our emet. I was at a bar tonight and i went to the toilet (not my favourite place in bars but i really had to go lol). So one of the toilets was broken and my friend was in the other n i waited outside. Then this girl came in i said that toilets broken and she said oh god i feel sick, im gonna be sick, talk to me, talk to me. And i was kind of looking at the door thinkin i could totally make a run for it if i wanted.....but instead i turnd around n asked her how she was doing and she asked me how old i was etc. My friend was still in the toilet n the girl was starting to look a bit desperate, hands flapping etc so i thought right im off (!). So i said to my friend im goin 2 the other toilets (there r 2 bits) and i pushed open the other door and saw all the toilets were empty so i said to the girl, you could go in here and she basically ran, so i shut the door and left her to it.

I know it doesnt sound much and there was no actual v* involved but i was really proud. I talked to this girl when she said she was gonna throw up and all i could think about was makng her feel better coz she seemed so nice. I kind of put her above my emet. I so would not have been able to do that 6 months ago but iv worked so hard at rationalising and relaxing etc and i think its paying off. So keep at it guys, dont give up!!! x x