My husband works with a lady that calls in sick all the time. She will call in at least once a week, and this week she called in on Monday and Tuesday. My husband didn't think much of it since it happens so often, but today she was scheduled off, but came in with her two kids. They were running all over the place, touching everything - the phone, computer, etc. My husband used the phone and everything, not thinking about it, then he said something to the girl like "I thought you were sick." She told him her kids were sick, that they had the flu. She was just coming from picking them up at school because they sent them home again today. Of course she didn't specify what type of flu, but it seems like non-emets consider sv "the flu." My husband said thanks for letting them run all over the place so we all get sick and she just laughed and said "ha ha, you're going to get sick now." His response to her was: "so the baby can get sick too?" Then all of a sudden she was all serious and told him not to get the baby sick. Why do people do that! Do they really think it's funny making other people sick? Now I have to sit and worry for the next few days if he is going to end up sick and/or give it to us. People make me so mad sometimes!Edited by: sillygirl