Hi everyone.....I am new here. My daughter has this fear of v* or being around someone that was. It started last year when she was a freshman in high school. Someone in her first period class v*ed in the classroom and the students were forced to stay there and not allowed to leave. This happened right next to where she was sitting. Soon after that she was refusing to go to school on time.....and later refused to go to school at all. I know this sounds ridiculous but it got so bad that she refused school altogether and ended up missing three months. As it turned out, she was also depressed and was placed in a facility that she attended everyday for that time. She received schooling and counseling there. She is not really having any trouble with school this year however, she almost always feels sick to her s tomach especially in the morning but she does go to school (I think probably because she now has a boyfriend that drives her there..lol) I have a friend that told me that the best thing for an upset stomach is wonder bread.....it's okay you can laugh....I think it is nuts too. But my daughter has been having it in the morning and she is getting to school so for whatever it is worth, it is working. But she refuses to eat lunch because she is afraid that she will v* if she does.

Although things are better this year, I am so afraid that it will start all over.

Does anyone have any advice for me? I am deserate.
