Ok, this may a little graphic so I just wanted to warn you!

It was a few years ago my boyfriend and I and another friend went out for dinner at TGIFriday's, both the guys had the Jack Daniels ribs and some beers with their dinner. I was driving because I don't drink so we went to a local bar and were there for hours!

My boyfriend and I left and our friend hitched a ride with somone else. My bf has a tendency to fall asleep or pass out on the ride home. This particular time he somehow was laying on the floor of his truck and I had the radio on.

He said something and I couldn't quite hear him so I said "what?" and the next thing I know he got sick in the truck!! LIKE 2 FEET AWAY FROM ME!!!

The smell was awful and almost instant. I whipped the truck to the side of the road and shoved him out the door and I got out too! I was FREAKING OUT!!!!!! Thank god another friend was driving by as I got out and she stopped and asked what was wrong... I was so upset I was screaming "He just got sick in the truck! Can you take me home?!" She said sure and I was in such a panic I LEFT HIM THERE!!! I was home for about 10 minutes and he pulled up. He DROVE after all of that! I made him sleep on the couch and had a bucket there for him. The next day he was mad at me for leaving him, and I DID feel terrible about that but I was SOO SCARED!

That was when he finally figured out that I am terrified of that sort of thing. So now everytime I am playing the DD and he starts to fall asleep I roll the window down and keep asking if he's ok.

This happened like 5 years ago and I still freak if I'm the one driving...

Anyone else have an experience like this?